Happy Thanksgiving to all of you 'merican's out there! I guess everyone looking at this would be American, unless you're also that random person from Russia who looks at my friend's blog! Anyway, if you're done stuffing you're face with turkey and watching football, I'd think you'd notice that Thanksgiving's over. Heck, Black Friday's already gone also. If only I had gotten that PlayStation 4...
Anyway, the reason this is being done pretty late is that I've been in South Carolina this past week! I've got an okay-ish suntan, and I was able to meet up with the rest of my family! (I have 3 cousins and a ton of aunts and uncles living in South Carolina. My uncle Ed is the best! He's a doctor, so he's rich, he's the happiest, nicest person you've probably ever met, and it's the best to hang out with him, along with my cousins and siblings, play cards, try some really old wii games, and speed order Easy-Mac and Gatorade from amazon with him. He's the most chill uncle ever!) Charleston is a pretty cool town to live in. Downtown Charleston is pretty much the equivalent of the biggest outdoor mall ever, there's a million and one ghost tours to try, you live right near the tourist-filled base of Fort Sumter, and other than that, it can be pretty much like any other average town.
Oh Yeah, by the way, I tried paintball for the first time with my cousins, and it was awesome!. I mean, sure, first round I was scared to death of being ambushed, not to mention paintballs do sorta hurt, and to add on the humiliation of being grouped by experience, and me having to be literally classified as a NOOB, but it was really fun! I got to be in a first-person shooter in real-life, and not to brag, but I was the second-best noob player there! (Probably because of the fact that I am great with a rifle at this rifle range that I sometimes go to for my Boy Scouts Rifle Merit Badge. Yes, I am a Boy Scout. Before you start calling me a loser, I probably don't see you sniping any targets ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )
Anyway, enough about me, Charleston, my uncle, paintball, Boy Scouts. and rifles. Seeing as it's Thanksgiving (about 4 days ago), rather than posting this year's football highlights (which is a good thing, because I don't watch football), or talking about delicious turkey and food (jeez, the last post was already a mouthful), or even posting some of the Thanksgiving Day Parade Highlights (NO PLEASE NO), I have to give you the most unexpected article ever: A list of what I'm thankful for.
( ͡° b-HEY! Don't you post that lenny here! Seriously, I think it's great that I'm making this list, because really, let's bring the Thank back in Thanksgiving! As much as I love turkey, some people focus too much on the food and the parade (which I hate) and other stuff going on, rather than giving some time to be gracious for what they have. Well, to get into the Thanksgiving spirit (which has already been replaced by Christmas), I am very thankful for the things I have!
Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy the family and friends, eat some pumpkin pie, and be thankful!
Also, this is posted many days after Thanksgiving because while Charleston is fine and all, I haven't given myself a chance to write any of this down. I mean, let's face it. You don't exactly tend to have the thought of typing a paper like this rather than driving around the county park's light festival. :)
The List Of Things I Am Thankful For This Thanksgiving
1. I am thankful for my friends, they are really fun people to hang out with, and I really think school would be (completely) miserable if it weren't for them.
2. I am thankful for my laptop and tablet, for they really make schoolwork easy, and they really are my go-to place whenever I'm open.
3. I am thankful for books, for being an interesting and easy way to make yourself smarter, pass some time, and generally enjoy yourselves without having to stare at a screen.
4. I am thankful for my entire family, especially my brothers and sisters, as my life wouldn't be so unordinary if they weren't there with me every step of the way.
5. I am thankful for being smart, as it does help me work my way through life.
6. I am thankful for simply being able to have a house, bed, clean clothes, and a hot meal waiting for me at home every day, as there are many unfortunate people out there who sadly don't have these things.
7. I am thankful for air-conditioning and heat to comfort us on those hot summer days and cold winter nights.
8. I am thankful for TV and Movies, for they bring immersive entertainment to not only us, but also hundreds of millions of others all over the world.
9. I am thankful for my favorite jacket, for it both brings my body warmth and my clothes style for others to enjoy.
Edited Note: R.I.P My Jacket: 2015-2016 Death by Charity Donation
10. I am thankful for you, the friendly audience of my humble blog, and all others like you who don't bring hate to the online community!