Anyway, while the rest of you might've just seen it as a good laugh, I LOVED SpongeBob Squarepants. It was my favorite show as a kid. And before I explain why, NO, it wasn't modern season SpongeBob. I admit that the show has gone downhill since, but the original episodes were cartoon gold. I mean, what's there even to say about it that hasn't been said? It's a show about SpongeBob the sponge, who loves jellyfishing, Krabby Patties, karate, working, boating school, and annoying Squidward!
Honestly, what I liked most about the show was the interesting characters and the comedy of it. Character-wise, there's a large variety of personalities in SpongeBob, if you really think about it. You have an optimistic sponge, a dumb, lazy starfish, a greedy crab, a talented squirrel, an evil plankton, and a pessimistic squid, who is the exact opposite of SpongeBob. You might just tell someone based off of this that the creators of this show must've quit school at kindergarten, but it really is an interesting thing to see on TV, to put some of them in a scenario, and see how things just play out, (take for example, S3 E12 Chocolate with Nuts, when SpongeBob and Patrick try to get rich from selling chocolate bars to people, after getting the idea for it from looking at Squidward's fancy magazine in his mail)
Comedy wise, the writers for this are hilarious. These jokes are really well timed, and the way they are executed are perfect. In fact, Patrick Star is the most hilarious cartoon character I've ever seen in my life! S3E12, Chocolate with Nuts, for example, the crazy chocolate guy has been following SpongeBob and Patrick around all day, constantly screaming "CHOCOLATE" like a crazy person, only to finally approach them and nicely ask to buy all of their chocolate. (I really recommend the episode, especially since it doesn't seem funny when just explaining the joke in this post, so find it on Youtube or something. It's my favorite episode!)
Anyway, this post is long enough, so I'll wrap this up by saying that this show was my life when I was little, so it was just a nice little stroll down memory lane.
Enjoy some SpongeBob quotes :)